Monday, April 13, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Root Canal Treatment (2)

How painful is the root canal treatment?
Unfortunately, a lot of people refuse to go for the root canal treatment thinking that it is painful. The root canal treatment is definitely a major dental procedure but it is not painful as it is made out to be. A local anesthesia is applied and the patient does not feel much pain apart from a little discomfort in some cases.

Does the affected tooth need extra care after the root canal treatment?
For a few days, you may have to handle the treated tooth with care. Once the tooth is completely fixed with crowns and other aids, treat this tooth the same way as you would take care of the others. Follow a good dental care routine. Top it up with balanced meals and plenty of water. Also, make sure you visit your endodontist regularly.

Does the tooth become dead after the root canal treatment?
The tooth becomes dead technically as it does not have the natural dental pulp underneath it. However, after the treatment, the tooth is fixed properly in your mouth and it can function the same way as your other teeth. The tooth is functionally dead only when it is out of your mouth.

Doesn’t the tooth discolor after the root canal treatment?
Sometimes, the affected tooth discolors. However, your endodontist will be able to restore your tooth’s color with the variety of cleaning and whitening options available.

Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.
- George Elio

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